Tuesday, April 25, 2023

New Light in a Dark Corner: Evidence on the Diem Coup in South Vietnam, November 1963

New Light in a Dark Corner: Evidence on the Diem Coup in South Vietnam, November 1963

JFK Was More Inclined toward Regime Change than Earlier Believed

Newly Released JFK Tape and President's Intelligence Checklists Fill in Gaps in Record

South Vietnamese Leader's Notes Published for First Time, Written Hours before Assassination

CIA operative Lucien Conein, who was a liaison to the generals leading up to the coup, in an undated photo from the 1960s (Credit: William J. Rust; from Rust's article on Conein in Studies in Intelligence (cia.gov).


General Tran Van Don, one of the coup plotters and a point of contact for CIA operative Lucien Conein (generalhieu.com).

Lodge was the first diplomat to meet with LBJ as president. He had returned to consult with JFK about the coup, learned while en route that Kennedy had been killed, and instead briefed LBJ while still in his EOB office (along with Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, and George Ball). (Credit: LBJ Presidential Library).



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