Sunday, March 5, 2023

End of WW1


¢USA –world’s greatest industrial power

¢Germany =  WWI

lWar-Guilt Clause

lHuge Financial Reparations

lLost Colonies

New Countries 
Finland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Hungary.

The War Ends
How?  when? 
In 1918, the infusion of American troops and resources into the western front finally tipped the scale in the Allies' favor. Germany signed an armistice agreement with the Allies on November 11, 1918. World War I was known as the “war to end all wars” because of the great slaughter and destruction it cause

After the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919, between Germany on the one side and France, Italy, Britain and other minor allied powers on the other, officially ended war between those countries. Other treaties ended the relationships of the United States and the other Central Powers. Included in the 440 articles of the Treaty of Versailles were the demands that Germany officially accept responsibility "for causing all the loss and damage" of the war and pay economic reparations. The treaty drastically limited the German military machine: German troops were reduced to 100,000 and the country was prevented from possessing major military armaments such as tanks, warships, armored vehicles and submarines.

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