Thursday, December 8, 2022

Strikes turn Violent

  Haymarket Square- May 4,1886, 3,000 people gathered at Chicago's Haymarket Square to protest Police Brutality. Someone tossed a bomb into the police line. police fired on the workers; seven police officers and several workers died.3 speakers and 5 radicals were charged with inciting a riot. All eight were convicted.

The Homestead Strike- June 29,1892 Carnegie steel plant. Frick announced plans to cut wages. Frick hired armed guards to protect the plant and hired scabs, or strikebreakers, to keep it operating.In a battle that left at least three guards and nine workers dead, the steelworkers forced out the guards and kept the plant closed till the National Guard arrived

strikebreaker (sometimes derogatorily called a scabblackleg, or knobstick) is a person who works despite an ongoing strike.

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