Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Age of Jackson


                                                Andrew Jackson 7th President

Jacksonian DemocracyJackson's ideal of political power for all classes

Spoils System- New administrations hire their own supporters to replace supporters of the previous

Indian Removal Act- 1830 Congress, with the support of Jackson, passed the indian removal act.
Under this law, the Federal government provided funds to negotiate treaties that would force the Native Americans to move west.

Trail of Tears- The Cherokee were sent off in groups of 1,000 each on the 800 mile journey. Cherokee buried a quarter of their people along the Trail of Tears.

Jackson's Bank War- " Pet Banks"

Bank Panic of 1837- Bank closings, and the collapse of the credit system cost many people their savings, bankrupted hundreds of businesses, and put more than a third of the people out of work.

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